Saturday, August 18, 2012

Artificial Intelligence Predictions

I read an interesting article at ptucker's blog on A.I.  The article talks about the current and future impacts of AI on our daily lives. For example, SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique) is an example of AI currently being used to manage traffic in metropolitan areas.  In the article, the author also talks about the future of AI.  He predicts that AI will be used to help parse through the ever increasing amount of data that we create and collect.  Practical application of sifting through volumes of data include, better intelligence for the military, medical solutions, and better prediction capabilities that allow machines to solve human problems without the human even asking.

In order for these AI predictions to come to fruition, a few factors come into play.  First, computational power must increase.  Processing large volumes of data - especially media such as photographs or video -- takes a lot of computing horsepower.  And think of the use of AI in automobiles and the volume of continuously changing variables.  Another factor is willingness of humans to accept AI into our lives.  Will people ever be willing to allow AI to drive them on highways?  Are we willing to fly on airplanes without a human pilot?

Technological- The use of artificial intelligence to manage traffic shows great promise.  There's enough research and theory, e.g., queuing theory, to support automation of traffic management.

Ethical - Traffic AI relies upon sensors and cameras that are constantly watching roads, cars, and the people in the cars.   Law enforcement already uses traffic cameras to help identify criminals.  However, many people are concerned (rightly in my opinion) about privacy and the ethics of using the sensors and cameras to track specific individuals.

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